Specialist in medical training and e-learning
MOPSYS specializes in healthcare training and offers a catalog of training modules primarily intended for pharmaceutical companies (E-Pharma) and healthcare establishments(E-Hospital). Our e-learning software lets you customize or create training modules and assess the knowledge and competence of your staff. We are leader on the market.
MOPSYS activitie's stem from the participation of the company's founders in various European projects - "Information Society Technology" (IST) and "ESPRIT" - initiated by the European Commission in collaboration with prestigious academic and pharmaceutical partners such as:
- The "Université Catholique de Louvain";
- The "Ecole Centrale de Lille";
- The "Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne";
- The City University of London;
- The "Université de Montréal";
- Pfizer;
- Sanofi-Synthelabo.
Our mission: remote development of professional competences in the healthcare sector.
Our team:
Dr.Ir. Ignace Bottemanne
Managing directorDoctor of applied natural sciences - engineer.
Ten years of expertise in research, design and development in the areas of distance learning, artificial intelligence and managing european projects.
Bernard Sauval
Software developerDevelops educational games and software tools for training; Java specialist.
Elinor Hurst
Software developerSpecializes in the development of S.C.O.R.M. compliant software.
Jean-Marie Brisart
Medical computer graphics designer.Specializes in creating medical illustrations, expert in 2D and 3D animations and video applications (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightwave 3D, Aura, ...).
Julien Malbrecq
Computer graphics designerExpert in animation creation and 2D and 3D video applications (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, CSS, HTML, ...).